Workout Day 1

Today was the first day of working out. I seriously can't remember the last time I REALLY worked out. I decided the other day that if I was going to really consider getting in shape again, I needed a buddy. I picked Julie. Then I mentioned something about working out to other friends, Amy and Cassie. I now have 3 buddies to work out with! GIRL POWER!

We get to use the gym equipment as seminary wives, so we went to the Ledford Center and lined up on the treadmills. (Unfortunately Julie couldn't make it. Please pray for her husband's family as Stephen's grandpa passed away. They went home to Alabama for a week.) I think we each walked/ran about 2 miles which is more than I thought we'd do. I'm so proud of myself...I actually jogged a bit. It's so encouraging to have buddies who can push each other.

My goal is to go to the gym at least twice a week, use a yoga video another three days, and take a day off. Adam & I have been following the South Beach diet and lost 30 lbs. each, but the holiday season put some back on. We're back on the diet and I'm exercising, so I'm hoping 30 more lbs. comes off just as fast. Here's hoping! More updates to come, so feel free to push me...I NEED IT!



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