Back in a groove...

Well, Mom & Dad left to go back to MD today.  I was so happy that they stayed with us, for Mom's sake I know prolong the inevitable...they're going home to an empty house.  No Mom-mom waiting, no pups to feed and put out, just quiet. 

I'm praying for Mom today because I know it's going to be a long drive home and for Dad because he needs continued strength to support Mom.  But on my way to work, I started crying and couldn't figure out why. 

Then it hit me...I needed this visit just as much as Mom did.  I miss Mom-mom too.  I can't call her on my break at work, can't hear her voice whenever, and won't see her when I go to MD for Steven's wedding in a little over a month.

I guess I just have to take my own advice.  Get back in a groove.  One step at a time.  When grief feels heavier than the clouds which overcast the sky this morning, we truck on...and like Mom-mom LOVED to stay, we "Put our BIG GIRL panties on, and deal with it!"  Miss you and love you Mom-mom, but I'm so HAPPY and even a little jealous for more pain, no more tears for you.


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