I haven't been paying too much attention to the Presidential campaigns lately, but I did want to make you aware, if you're not already, of an event that will be broadcast live from Saddleback Church this Saturday evening from 8pm-10pm Eastern Time. Pastor Rick Warren, author of the bestselling book The Purpose Driven Life will be hosting a "Civil Forum" with McCain and Obama in which he will ask each candidate the same questions, but without the other present. I think this will give very valuable insight into the minds of these candidates.
According to FoxNews.com, the questions are planned "'to avoid 'gotcha' questions that typically produce heat instead of light' Warren said he would focus on how the candidates' make their leadership decisions rather than having them staking out their political positions." Read the rest of the story here. Whether you're dead set on who you're voting for, or if you have no idea, I would encourage you to watch this event Saturday night. It will be on both CNN and Fox News, and if you don't have cable, it will be streamed live online at http://www.saddlebackcivilforum.com/.
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