So busy...

Sorry I haven't posted anything in like FOREVER!... We have been so busy...

Praise God though, tonight we had 23 different kids at youth group! Our little trailer can't hold too many more than that... if we get much bigger, I'm honestly not sure what we're going to do. God never gives us more than we can fit in our space though, right?... or... wait a minute...

I've also been really busy keeping up with our new youth group blog site... If you want to check it out it's over at Lot of funny stuff there. I post funny videos and pictures and even some pictures from youth group. It's only been up a couple weeks, but right now the kids seem to love it.

Nights like tonight really wear me out though. We don't really have any adults there anymore except Mary and I and our senior high leader (who does a great job, but is herself only 17). I guess I would ask that you pray that God would bring leaders to us who are passionate about forming relationships with MIDDLE SCHOOLERS. I love them so much, but they are SO draining. On nights like tonight when there a ton of kids and not many leaders, I almost feel like I'm running a day care (or evening care) program and that I'm not much more than a babysitter. I know God has my best interest in mind.

On a totally different note, I've been asked to preach in church on Sunday October 14. Pray that I would come up with a relevant message. It will be good to be in front of the congregation again as I will soon be interrogated to receive my preaching license and be licensed by Elvaton. How cool, huh? Just three or four years ago I NEVER thought I would have a preaching license. Whoa. I'll leave you with this verse that has been my stronghold lately:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

-Isaiah 55:8-9


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