This past week, we've had the opportunity to visit with some old friends. The people God chooses to place in our lives always seems to make me realize how much He loves us. And the times He chooses to put them here is even more evidence of His ultimate wisdom. We got to meet Kaleena Paige Russell this weekend. This precious little baby is the product of two very special friends. Why so special? Well, b/c we never would have met had it not been for the wedding of Brian Russell and Sarah Ackerman 4 years ago. Wanna see the precious baby?
Kaleena, I hope you know how special you are. May you always trust in the fact that you are loved more than you will ever comprehend. You have great parents who care more about your happiness than their own. And a wonderful extended family, might I point out that your Grammy's eyes dance whenever she looks at you.
Brian, thank you for being such a true friend to Adam. Though distance makes it difficult, the firendship is always close. And Sarah, thank you for putting up with all my quirks...even enough to set me up with your husband's best friend...knowing that if and when it worked out, you would see more of me than you ever imagined after graduating from good old AACS. I know that you are a friend to count on as well.
Why am I being all mushy you ask? Well, I DON'T KNOW!!! But it was on my heart, so now it's on your screen. I'll leave you with another precious Kaleena pic...and NO that's not wine!!!

I just found you tonight from Baby Isaac's blog... my heart is aching for them.
On a different note... you were in Pittsburgh!?! My husband grew up in da 'Burgh! Thank you for ministering in such a dark city. I would love to hear more about your trip!
Mary, I finally got to show this to Brian tonight. You are so sweet. =)
It was so wonderful to introduce our pride and joy to you. I LOVE that first picture you have of her, in the black & white.
Can you believe she's starting to crawl now?
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